Wisslab Pages

White papers and work in progress.

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How to contribute to Wisslab Pages

How to comment

  1. Get a Github account.
  2. Go to the page you want to edit in the repository. In the Web view, you can just follow the link to comment or edit in the right sidebar.
  3. Click on Blame
  4. Click on the commit message left to the line you want to comment on to go to the commit that changed this line last.
  5. Hover the mouse over the line in the commit you want to comment on and click on the + sign that appears.
  6. Create your comment.

All followers of the repository and the author of the commit will be notified about your comment and can address it.

How to edit

If you are not experienced with Git and Github, consider a comment, as described above.

If you are experienced, edit the proper way:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Do your edits.
  3. File a pull request so that your changs can be merged with our repository.

Another possibility is to ask for push access to the repository, if you want to contribute on a regular basis.